Friday, September 2, 2016

I bought an electric car and there's no going back....

A quick post....just to catch up.

I've bought a 2015 Nissam LEAF. Actually, I bought it in early June.

It's a Generation 2 ("Gen2" I'll explain later). I bought it because report after report from climate scientists over the past year makes it very clear we are now warming rapidly, in real-time, and it's due to climate change.

Yes, they attribute it to an "El NiƱo event"....but that event, in turn, is stronger and more pronounced because of warming. Because we all emit too many gases that hold the heat from the Sun in the atmosphere.

So what could I do about it? I could stop driving a car that burns fossil fuels. So I did. I had already shifted much of my travel to public transport, but that still meant riding on a lot of diesel buses.

OK...they roll anyway, but I don't need to be on them.

This my car. It's REALLY cool....and I love it.

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