Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gave up on Twitter today.....

After the 'n'-th iteration of Twitter's 140 character limit resulting in people getting the wrong end of the stick and fluffing their feathers based on what they thought they read....I decided Twitter was a waste of time for purposes other than fast receipt of links to items of interest.

I've been considering it for a while now. Today was the day I finally made up my mind. I will have a Twitter account, but it will be read-only.

1 comment:

  1. Tried Twitter years ago, gave it up as a time-sink with little benefit.

    Came back about two years ago mainly because I can't afford to be out of the loop. The 140 character limit is a problem for anything more than sound bites - it's no place for an intelligent conversation despite all the hype.

    My gut feeling is we've probably already gone past peak-Twitter. I'm not sure how much longer it will last as the place to hang out online.


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