Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Unfounded belief is the real enemy

Over at Tumeke!, Tim Selwyn comments on a Washington Post story about Democratic US Presidential candidate, Barack Obama's "battle with the great white heartland".

Racist elements nationally have been running a slur campaign, spreading lies about Obama, saying he is Muslim, comes from Africa, plans to bring his family over illegaly....and much more. These lies have taken root in small towns like Findlay, Ohio.

The report includes a comment from Findlay resident, Gerry Kish, a 66 year old native of Hawaii, who knows these claims are rubbish.
She has close friends, she said, who still refuse to believe her when she swears Obama is Christian. Then she hands them the books, and they refuse to read them. "They just want to believe what they believe," she said. "Nothing gets through to them."
"Nothing gets through to them". I've seen this same behaviour a thousand times myself in a thousand different ways. At its root is some unfounded belief that has become integrated into the world view of the person concerned and they can't or won't reconsider it in the light of new information.

Once again, we see how unfounded belief is the enemy of truth and reason.

This is why so many people are rendered effectively stupid by their own unwillingness or inability to look at evidence and adapt / adjust their world view as a consequence. They are effectively irrational in any number of areas to the extent they can no longer absorb and consider new information.

This is why unfounded belief truly IS the root of all evil, whether that belief is in a deity, or the absolute efficacy of markets, or the utility of overwhelming force as a solution to any problem.

I can see the mechanism for implanting the mental device that enables unfounded belief. In software terms, it's like leaving a "back door" that some hacker can exploit later on to their own advantage.

First you tell your kids about the tooth fairy. Then Santa Claus. Then you move them up to real religion and tell them - as fact - that for which there is no proof at all. You tell this is truth that cannot be questioned. If you've got that far, then you probably have them for life. Their curiosity becomes a source of threat to family and social peace. They learn not to think too hard about the crud being pushed into their heads by people they trust: family, church, friends.

These things conditioning our children to swallow any damn lie from people they trust "just because".

The result is people who don't really want to know the truth. True believers. Now there is an irony that could make you despair if you thought about it too much.

Barack Obama could loose the election thanks to unfounded belief in the minds of people who don't know the truth...and don't want to.

This is why the tactics of people like Crosby / Textor need to be rejected and rooted out. They pander to unfounded belief for electoral advantage. They are, ultimately, enemies of reason and democracy.

Why is this a problem now? It's probably nothing new at all. The bodies buried in ash by the eruption of Pompeii 1900 years ago probably belonged to people who preferred their beliefs to saving their own lives....though I'm sure they didn't see it that way. Many people are like this in many aspects of their lives. Some more than others.

Age is a factor. The older we get, the harder it is to absorb new things. My own father never really 'got' television, never mind the internet. He still doesn't own a TV and refuses to e-mail, though I note he does use the Internet now to check his beloved global airline schedules, the only place they are now available. He likes his house the way it was in the 1940s when he was growing up: quiet. It's hard to predict what people might be open to and way.

I suspect that in some people it may be a sign of stress. People tend to shut down when under stress. They can limit input why trying to make sense of what they are already struggling to deal with. They need time to think and consider and modern life doesn't allow for that unless each of us sees doing it as important and structures our own lives to make that possible.

How many of us do that? That's assuming we can and have not been conditioned to avoid thinking too deeply about the lack of evidence for at least some proportion of all the things we believe and act on.


  1. Barack Hussien Obama is not the right guy for the job. He has no credentials and is a baby senator, not qualified to run America. His ideas and plans sound good and everything, but are unattainable and are just lies, his plan to just get in. He is living in an imaginary world and needs to wake up to the world around him. Don’t believe him. Barack Hussie nObama = 6 6 6 . No matter what he says he is a muslim. His father and stepfather are muslims and in the eyes of all muslims that makes him one. He is unpatriotic, from his stupid excuses to why he doesn’t wear a flag pendent to his crazy, black, racist, damning America preacher and mentor. He is the charming, charismatic, mesmorizing, speaker that the devil is. He wants to talk and negotiate with America’s enemies, to pull troops out, to let them reorganize and stregthen, and then eventually side with them. Obama’s real name is Mabus. Nostradamus talks of Obama, the third antichrist of middle eastern background, ‘The Black One’. He is the devil. He will be the next President of the United States. America is blinded by Obama’s image and is persuded by the media’s portrayal. The media positivly portrays Obama, but is always negative against McCain. Its sick. McCain’s views are the truth and the correct way to handle things in this time of war. Which is a neccassary war. McCain is realistic on the way to deal with America’s enemies. McCain’s experience in the Senate and as an Air Force Officer/Pilot and POW gives him exceptional qualifications to run a country that is being attacked, on a Biblical scale. McCain knows how to get this country under control; the economy, fuel prices, illegal immigration. America is clearly divided into two, McCain Americans and Obama Americans. The Obama Americans want change but don’t want to make the sacrifices to do so. They want low gas prices but down want to drill causing harm to the environment. They want a border security but don’t want a wall that may disrupt natural mirgation of wildlife. They want lower taxes and don’t want to support a war they think they know so much about and don’t see a wider picture of our purpose and responsibility as Americans to respond to their attacks and their inhumanity to their people in their own region. America needs to be strong to be able to defend it’s enemies. We need to stand together as one country and unite on our way of thinking or we aren’t going to stand. The muslims are set in their plans to destroy the west and Israel and for Islam to be the world religion. They burn Bibles and flags, dancing and chanting ‘Death To America’ daily. They get upset and cry when a Quran is treated the same way and want an apology for it. They get upset and cry when someone draws a cartoon of Mohammed when I see cartoons of Jesus helping Santa and boxing Satan on South Park and can laugh about it, but yet they want an apology. We want our apology. They aren’t going to stop. The way they think is backwards. They are ignorant in their views and only see their own way. We have to check them. They are the enemies of Israel and that makes them the enemies of God. This is a holy war that must be fought in the name of God. Obama is just going to cause more problems and just weaken our nation. He is a muslim. The muslims around the world support him and praise his name. Obama’s views are completly unrealistic and are just lies to brainwash the American people to follow and believe in him. ‘Change We Can Believe In’, he is the anti-christ. Just lies to get the vote. He is the devil and will be America’s next President. In 2012, around election time, 3.5 years into his rule we will see his true self and intentions. He will declare himself a world leader to be worshipped and embraced as a god. 2012 is the Chinese year of the Dragon, in which divine and other worldly events occur on year. Dec 21 2012 the earth completes a precession on its axis which will cause shift of poles and magnetic fields. Also the day when the sun rises and aligns with the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and passes into the 13th zodiac which is a man wrestling a snake, symbolizing a time of struggle with evil. The Mayans predicted a beginning of a new cycle of change. The four horsemen are riding now. The natural disasters, climate change, world hunger, oil crisis, and a holy war. These are the end times and Obama is the devil.

  2. Could someone pass me a tinfoil hem,pet? I don't want to catch whatever the egregious gobshite above has. Thanks.

  3. fo: See my post today about "unfounded belief".

    It's about people like yourself and how they may become deluded and then remain that way.

  4. "They just want to believe what they believe," she said. "Nothing gets through to them."

    This is true of people across the political - and every other -spectrum.

    It's hard to believe but some people think that only left wing parties care about people:)

  5. hp: I agree. :-) If I have any issues with National they are based on behaviour by the leadership. The Crosby / Textor revelations make the nit & run smear tactics of the past two years understandable and place them in context.

    I do not believe elections should be run that way or that parties should behave that way.

    Policy shuold be brought out into the open, debated and discussed and voters go to the polls informed.

    National's leadership have decided to deliberately subvert that process in this election and deserve to be strongly criticised for it.

    I don't blame you for their behaviour. I hope you don't blame me for being unhappy with their behaviour.

    Thanks for the comment. As usual. :-)

  6. Amazing isn't it? What you are witnessing is the root. The core issue facing the pre-Quantum man. Quite simply there is no need for belief or reason. They are different sides of the same coin which needs no explaining. If people were just a little more self-aware they would play witness to their own devices, namely where reason jumps to belief. From my observations, there is something quite fascinating and peculiar occurring. There appears to be a psycho-spiritual blind spot for each individual. People use reason to squash doubt, and they do the same thing with belief. Interesting isn't it? Apparently doubt is the greatest fear a man can have. Poor guys.


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