Thursday, June 19, 2008

Canola oil

I hesitate to bring this up. It may be a post you'd rather not read. At the same time, I want to get some idea of whether or not I'm alone on this one.

I hate canola oil.

I know it is supposed to be the best oil from your heart's point of view, but I don't like it and avoid eating it whenever possible.

I suspect canola oil is not harmful to your heart because canola oil isn't actually food. It's oil. It has other applications as industrial lubricant, apparently. I can understand why if that's the case. As such, I suspect you don't actually digest it....or at least a good portion of it.

My experience is that it passes right through you, unmolested by digestion.

Now if you're eating a little amid a larger body of food, you may never notice this. But if you should eat something in which canola is a major ingredient, you may, if you're like me, find that later on you have oil coming out where you don't really want it to be coming out.

Not nice. Hence my aversion to it. Anyone else come to the same conclusion?

For context: I do not have this problem with olive, sunflower or rice bran oils. Only canola.


  1. Canola Oil grosses me out on so many levels-for one the huge disception from the Canadian government that this once toxic plant to birds is now a healthy alternative. Plus, I do not like the taste. My favorite oil is rice bran oil-too bad it does not get enough press because it is super healthy.

  2. anon: I like rice-bran oil, too. It has a slightly nutty flavour that's different to olive or sunflower oil. I like it for dressing salads and chicken and pork meat dishes. I did use it in hummus, but went back to olive oil because the stronger olive flavour 'fit' better overall in the hummus I make. The result has a richer flavour for my palate. ;-)

  3. More good reasons to HATE canola oil !!!! FORGET IT!!!! I read years ago that Canola oil is extracted-processed somehow from the rapeseed plant from Canada which even most insects or other animals are repulsed-repelled by and compared to other very nice distinct smellable-tastable enjoyable oils (like olive peanut and nutty oils) you can distinctly identify-appreciate, canola is just a tasteless high-fat-calorie BLAH oil-slick NOTHINGNESS-oil even bugs or other creatures don't like!!!! Who needs those kind of tasteless high processed-empty calories from all that processing-refining!?!?


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